Friday, February 18, 2011

Budak Berbakat

          This girl is my adopted sister. I know her about 3 years ago. She love so much singing, then my hobby is editing something.
          One day, i gets idea to make video clips just suka-suka jer. She accept my offer to act in my videoclip produce. After that we proceed the shooting arround rumah mak cik dia. I like her stail, act, mood, and mimik muka. Its so mature than other kid. She easier to remember the lyric adn very talented.
Now the girl is 10 years old but still obses with the entertainment like singing and actor. Budak-budak sekarang ni memang minat betul bab-bab hiburan.
         I think, when she grow up, may be she shy to see her videoclips again. But if this is her ambition, of coufse she liked. Gua tidak menggalakan dan tidak pula menghalang minat seseorang itu. Bila besar nanti tahu tahu la fikir jalan mana yang hendak diikuti.


1 komen opah kamu:

MissButterfly said...

best . like like like :)


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